Field Day 2025

Saturday, June 28, 11:00 am – Sunday, June 29, 11:00 am
Lunch (provided by the club): Saturday 1:00 pm
Breakfast (provided by the club): Sunday 8:00 am

What is ARRL Field Day?
ARRL Field Day is the most popular on-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June of each year, thousands of amateur operators set up portable stations and communicate with each other over distances great and small. It is a time when many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles and interests. Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice for emergencies, an informal contest, and most of all, FUN! 

Where will it be?
This year’s Field Day will be held at Lowell State Recreation Site, 850 Shore Line Dr., Lowell, OR 974525

No parking fee

Park amenities
Lowell State Recreation Site has a large covered pavilion with picnic tables, water, electricity, BBQ, swim beach, and a kid’s playground.


Field Day gives the public a first-hand opportunity to experience Amateur Radio.
2023 Field Day video with Valley Radio Club of Oregon

2021 Field Day balloon launch

Field Day includes friendly competition.
Radio operators earn points for each unique contact they make over the air. There are also incentives to get non-hams and youth on the air.
Points available:

Regular contacts, called QSOs (using <150 watts of power)
The same station using Morse code, digital, and voice are considered separate contacts (except 10m and up)
2 pts/contact
Youth making a contact 20 pts/youth
Promoting Field Day via social media (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) 100 pts
100% Emergency power 100 pts
GOTA* Bonus (if 20 or more up to 100) 1 pt/contact/operator
GOTA* Coach present double above
Media Publicity (if local media runs some) 100 pts
Set-up in Public Place 100 pts
Information Booth 100 pts
Message to ARRL SM/SEC sent 100 pts
W1AW Field Day Message (if copied) 100 pts
NTS/ICS-213 messages handled (up to 100) 10 pts/message
Satellite QSO completed (only 1 required) 100 pts
Natural power QSOs completed 100 pts
Site Visit by Invited Elected Official 100 pts
Site Visit by Invited Served Agency Official 100 pts
Educational Activity Bonus 100 pts
Safety Officer Bonus 100 pts
Field Day web app submission 50 pts

*GOTA = Get-on-the-Air station specifically for new hams and guests to make a radio contact with a trained coach.

Details at
